Backstage Chat


Welcome! Pull up a stool to the props table and let me tell you how all this got started.

In 2014, I thought I was having a breakdown. Turns out, it was a breakthrough. God was trying to reach down and heal the deepest hurts of my past, hurts I’d long shut out in the dusty corners backstage.

My onstage presence was performance-perfect. I have a kind and attentive husband who puts God first, beautiful daughters who are following Jesus, a cozy home, and lots of fantastic friends who encourage and inspire me.

The problem was I kept having flashbacks to childhood trauma. They were like scenes running through my mind, and I had no way to push pause. I started telling God that He had written the script of my life all wrong. I even told him I wanted to play a different life role. Woman director

One day, during one of my petulant prayers, He said, “Will you trust me with your story?”

It wasn’t easy. It still isn’t, but every day I pray He’ll show me places in my life where I need to depend on Him. For healing, for the ability to hear His voice, and for the willingness to obey it.

Have you, like me, wished you were someone else? Ever wanted to trade your role for a more glamorous one?

Then, welcome, friend! Pull up a chair and let’s chat. Don’t mind the sawdust and hammering—it’s always that way backstage.

This is a place for those who want to live like they understand their true worth underneath the fancy sets and costume pieces.

At Waiting for Applause we’ll focus on resources to do just that. We’ll hear other people’s stories, discuss Biblical applications, and try to encourage each other.

Are you looking for a community of healing-oriented growth? Or are you a mentor seeking resources to help others find a way into the light?

Chime in! Say hello in the comments and introduce yourself.



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    The Conversation

  1. Jann Pate says:

    I think you are awesome. You are so brave and courageous. Love always, Jann

  2. Fran Smith says:

    Hi Lyneta, it’s Fran Smith from last year’s ACW Press mentoring retreat. Congratulations on your award. Love Waiting for Applause. How’s the book coming that you shared with us at the retreat last year?

    • Lyneta says:

      Hi Fran, Thank you for stopping by! I appreciate your kind words. So glad you like it–please stop by anytime or sign up to receive posts via email or RSS.

      God disrupted my plans for the other book 🙂 Not sure what He’s up to with that, but I’ve been learning to trust and follow better.