[caption id="attachment_1078" align="aligncenter" width="470"] Copyright: ehrlif : 123RF Stock Photo[/caption] He is not here. He has risen! Luke 24:6 The angels' words at the tomb…
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We’ve messed up. Someone (or lots of people) told us we’re less-than, unworthy or disgraceful. Most likely, we believe them, given the pile of evidence…
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I don't know about you, but this week has plumb worn me out. Here are some things that weighed heavy on me: Another school…
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The Revolution is well underway. It’s time to choose sides, because it’s going to be bloody. It started with one tweet—the tweet heard around the…
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It was the nicest house I’d ever lived in. And it was all ours! [caption id="attachment_1020" align="alignright" width="300"] *Stock photo (Not my actual home)[/caption] When…
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