Where Does My Help Come From?

I spent most of this week up in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains at a conference. It was like having a full week of church.

I returned home filled up and recharged for whatever God has planned for me to do next.

This is what I wrote as we prepared to drive away from the conference center. “Up here on the mountain, we can see clearly to the next peak. But when we get down in the valley, sometimes things get a little rocky. When hard times come, I want to remember that when discouragement happens, we look to the hills.”

The experiences we have on the mountain remind us that God is moving. We can look back on them and remember our calling clearly. It’s important to “look to the hills,” those peaks in our past, to remind us what God will do in the future.

Here’s a little bonus taste from the prayer garden at Ridgecrest:

Thanks for stopping by. I plan to resume my series on Fruit of the Spirit next week.


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  1. Well said, Lyneta. May we continue to look to the hills.